Currently (as of 15th April 2013)
Right now it is possible to show logs based on different criteria:
- The main dashboard (all open logs) shows all open logs with the most recently updated at the top of the list
- All closed logs as its name suggests shows all closed logs. Again with the most recently update at the top of the list
- All open and closed logs shows all logs and again with the most recently updated at the top
- Important logs shows all logs with a severity of ‘Important’. Once again with the last updated at the top
- Longest since last updated shows all logs based on when they were last updated by anyone with the longest since they were updated at the top (i.e. potentially the most important)
- Oldest open logs shows logs based on the date they were created and where the log is still open. The oldest of these is shown at the top
- Log search by street name. This shows all logs that match whatever is typed in the search box. Only the street name is currently searched
- Log search by ID. It is possible to type in a log number and enter this into the search box. if the log is one that the agency has access too (i.e. not one of another agent), then the system will immediately show that log
- All your logs. This page shows all logs (open and closed) that the signed in user (staff) has been assigned to
- All your open logs as the name suggests shows all logs that the signed in user (staff) has been assigned to and where the status is ‘open’
- All your closed logs does the same as number 10 above except where the status is ‘closed’
Reason for proposed change
To provided easier and faster searching of logs.
Description of proposed development
The advanced search page provides alternative choices to the staff user on how they search through the logs or when searching for a specific log. Below are the main points of this development.
The page will have a user form on it with drop down menus allow the staff user to narrow down their search criteria.
- User logs – A drop down menu will display all staff and contractor users currently on the system (for that agent). Selecting a user from this list and then clicking ‘Search’ will show all logs where that user is assigned to them
- Date ranges – It will be possible to choose a ‘date from’ or ‘date to’ or both which will show all logs created within the date range chosen. There will be a further option to allow the date range to be based on last updated rather than the created date
- Keyword search – Where the staff user can type in one or more keywords and the system will search all logs and show results where the keywords figure
In progress….